Meeting: Remediate 280 Committee

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W 171st St, Tinley Park, United States

Find all Remediate 280 Committee meeting agendas and minutes here.

Scholastic Book Fair

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W 171st St, Tinley Park, United States

Instill a love of reading with the Scholastic Book Fair because reading can take you anywhere! We have a variety of preschool and youth books as well as special items […]


Jelly Bean Contest

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W 171st St, Tinley Park, United States

From March 28 through April 17, stop in the Rec Center to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar. Prizes are awarded to the children whose guess is […]


Main Stage Improv: The Comedy Gladiatorz

Tinley Park Performing Arts 16801 S 80th Ave, Tinley Park, IL, United States

Main Stage Improv presents our hilarious competition-themed improv show “The Comedy Gladiatorz” where talented improvisers enter stage right–but only ONE exits alive! Ok, enough with the dramatics! Improv teams compete

Easter Egg Hunt

Freedom Park 7835 Timber Dr, Tinley Park, IL, United States

The Easter Bunny invites you to join him for our Easter Egg Hunt! Be ready to visit with our special guest - the Easter Bunny! This event goes on rain […]

$1 – $2

Spring Arts and Crafts Fair

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W 171st St, Tinley Park, United States

Shoppers - This fair highlights many of the talented crafters in the community. Exhibits are open to the public at no charge and feature all handmade items. Vendors - We […]

Meeting: Remediate 280 Committee

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W 171st St, Tinley Park, United States

Find all Remediate 280 Committee meeting agendas and minutes here.

Bunnies, Bagels and Berries, Oh My!

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W 171st St, Tinley Park, United States

Celebrate Easter with family and friends at our Bunny Brunch! Have fun with crafts, games and more! The Easter Bunny has a special treat for each child registered. Don’t forget […]

$18 – $22