Tot Time Open House

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W 171st St, Tinley Park, United States

Visit our preschool rooms at both our locations! Meet our staff ! We're ready to answer your questions! Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W. 171st Street 10 am - 12 pm


Meeting: Remediate 280 Committee

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W 171st St, Tinley Park, United States

Find all Remediate 280 Committee meeting agendas and minutes here.

Sweetheart Swim

Tinley Fitness Pool 8125 W. 171st Street, Tinley Park, IL, United States

Tinley Fitness welcomes our members and their sweethearts to an afternoon of family fun! Share the love with your little Valentines as you splash away the day! Members of Tinley […]

$5 – $8

Hot Wheels Classic and All Stars

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W 171st St, Tinley Park, United States

Hot Wheels Classic Bring your fastest Hot Wheels or Matchbox car and compete for the ‘big prize’. Includes refreshments. *Please Note: All children must be accompanied by an adult. Fees: […]

$18 – $25

Kids in the House Improv: “Love to Make You Laugh”

Tinley Park Performing Arts 16801 S 80th Ave, Tinley Park, IL, United States

Kids in the House Improv presents "Love to make you Laugh" Playhouse's teen troupe love Valentine's Day and what better present than the one of laughter. Join this hilarious teen […]

Main Stage Improv: Anything is Pop-sicle

Tinley Park Performing Arts 16801 S 80th Ave, Tinley Park, IL, United States

Are you tired of looking at the icy winter weather through froze-colored glasses? Then come warm up in our well-heated Performing Arts Center by watching the hottest improvisers north of […]

Lucky Charms Scavenger Hunt

Find the Lucky Charms before they lose their magic! Lucky the Leprechaun has visited some Tinley Park - Park District Facilities and Parks and set up a scavenger hunt just for you! Wear your green and have fun finding the Lucky Charms! Activities include a self-paced scavenger hunt with clues to find the Lucky Charms. […]


Running o’ the Green 8K

Tony Bettenhausen Recreation Center 8125 W 171st St, Tinley Park, United States

Pre-registration closes Feb 27th at 3 pm. Registration reopens at 7 am on race day. Packet pick-up is held on Sat. March 1st from 8 am to 2 pm at the Recreation Center. Green attire is encouraged for the race! Awards can be picked up from the Recreation Center beginning Monday, March 3rd after 12pm […]

Irish Tea

Vogt Visual Arts Center 17420 S 67th Ct, Tinley Park, United States

Enjoy a spot o’ tea before heading to the Irish Parade at the VVAC! Located a block off of the parade route, the Vogt Visual Arts Center is decked out […]
